琼脂是什么东西 琼脂对人体有什么好处
2024-12-07 04:45:40
中越混血老司机,单口喜剧演员黄阿丽 Ali Wong 宣布离婚
单口喜剧演员 Ali Wong 离婚了……
诧异,震惊,怎么回事?去年粉上这个“污力值Max”的女司机的时候,刚读完她给女儿写的书#Dear Girls#,当时还写了篇读书笔记。
但自从那篇文章之后,就没再过多关注 Ali Wong,没想到再次看到是她的离婚的消息,通稿声称:
"It's amicable and they will continue to co-parent lovingly"
记得她在 #Dear Girls# 中提到签婚前协议是这样说的:「That prenup scared the shit out of me」“婚前协议可把我吓尿了”
Even if I had wanted to stay at home and not work, I really couldn't. Daddy's family made Mommy get a prenup. A "prenup" is short for a "prenuptial agreement," but what it really means is: "I still don't trust this bitch."
So if Mommy had fallen out of the workplace completely, and Mommy and Daddy got divorced, Mommy would've been fucked SO hard.
8年的婚姻生涯里,她生了2个女儿 Mari 和 Nikki。
婚前协议的压力,让她没有退路。即便两个女儿还在孕期, Ali Wong 也依然挺着大肚子上台做单口喜剧,每场一站就是1个多小时。
和 Netflix 合作的两部单口喜剧《眼镜蛇宝宝》《铁娘子》让她名声大噪,Ali Wong 终于火了,单场演出门票从10美元飙升到1000美元。
她甚至还帮丈夫 Justin Hakuta 还清了就学期间7万美元的贷款。
Ali Wong 坦言:婚前协议就是「the gift of fear」,被迫签这玩意是我人生和职业生涯发生的最正确的事情。
“Being forced to sign that prenup was one of the greatest things that ever happened to me and my career. It gave me 'the gift of fear' and made me 'more motivated to make my own money'.”
当时签婚前协议的时候,Ali Wong 充满了危机和恐惧,分分钟感觉要“完犊子”。
No one could have predicted this outcome, so much so that before we got married, his family made me sign a prenup. It's true. And now if we get divorced, their son is fucked.
离婚消息令人唏嘘,离婚细节不得而知,但 Ali Wong 这反将一军着实漂亮,她的脱口秀又要有新素材了。
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